Wondering how many ounces in a quart? It can be confusing. There are oz, fluid ounces, quarts... It's hard to get the conversions right, so I've done it for you, plus, download your free printable!

I know how hard it can be when you're cooking and your favorite recipe is written in Imperial, but you know Metric or vice versa.
Maybe you're making dinner and suddenly you're racking your brain to remember how many oz in a quart?
Well, unfortunately, it's not quite as easy as just saying that there are, say, 32 in a quart.
There are a few variables to consider, such as what are you measuring? Liquid or dry ingredients? Milk or flour? Is it fluid, dry, fluid quarts? Imperial quarts, liquid quarts or US quarts...
See, it's not always quite as simple as, how many oz in a qt.
It depends on if you're converting an ounce of dry ingredients or an ounce of water.
But don't worry! Just keep scrolling down and I've done all the conversions for you!
I've also made a handy free printable (get it below) so you don't have to get your computer screen messy when you need to get the conversions in the middle of cooking a recipe! Just print it out and keep it with your cookbooks.
I've also got you covered if you're wondering How Many Ounces in a Gallon? Also if you're wondering How Many Cups in a Pint, Quart, or Gallon. Be sure to check out my Vegan Grocery List and 50 Signs You're a Good Cook too.
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What is a quart?
A quart is a unit of volume. A quart is equal to a quarter of a gallon or two pints. It is used in both Imperial Measurement and US Customary Measurement. Abbreviation: qt.
The British and US quart systems are slightly different.
In the UK, 1 quart is equivalent to approximately 1.13 litres and in the USA, 1 qt is approximately 0.94 liters.
The British quart system is the same both for liquid and dry measurements: 1 quart is equal to 2 imperial pints, or ¼ of an imperial gallon.
The U.S. liquid quart is equal to two liquid pints, or one-fourth U.S. gallon and 1 dry quart is equal to 2 dry pints.
You'll see that although they're not exactly the same, there is very little between the US and UK versions of a quart - the difference between 1 qt = 1.13L or 0.94L.
So, for the purposes of this conversion, I'll be using the US customary system.
The quart was originally a medieval English unit for dry and liquid measures that varied between 0.95 and 1.16 litres, relatively close to its modern equivalents. In Geoffrey Chaucer’s Miller’s Tale (about 1370), it was used as a measure for ale.
Encyclopedia Brittanica
What is an ounce?
An ounce is a unit of weight (dry ounce) or a unit of volume (fluid ounce).
Abbreviation: fl oz, fl. oz., or oz. fl.
Just like with a quart, there are very slight differences in the conversions for Imperial or US Customary measurements.
US: 1 fluid ounce = 29.6 ml
UK: 1 fluid ounce = 28.4 ml
Ounces can be abbreviated to oz.
In recipes, you might also see fluid ounces abbreviated to fl oz.
General Conversions
To get started, here are the usual conversions for liquids:
USA conversion: 1 US fluid quart = 2 pints = 4 cups = 32 fluid ounces = 950 mililitres.
4 quarts = 1 gallon
UK conversion: 1 Imperial quart = 40 Imperial fluid ounces = 4+¾ cups = 1.13 litres.
1 gallon = 4 quarts = 8 pints = 16 cups = 128 fluid ounces
Mathematical Formula
To convert a fluid ounce to a quart, you need to divide the volume by the conversion ratio.
1 quart = 32 fluid ounces, so the formula is:
quarts = fluid ounces ÷ 32
- or -
fluid ounces = quarts × 32
Convert ounces to quarts = the fluid ounces divided by 32.
Convert quarts to ounces = the quarts x 32.
Quarts to Ounces
So, now you know what quartz and ounces are, as well as the equations.
So let's get on to the conversions. I'm sure you're still wondering how many ounces per quart of water!
I've broken it down below:
How many ounces in 1 quart?
Liquid: There are 32 fluid ounces in 1 quart.
Dry: There is 37.23 oz in 1 quart.
Imperial: There are 40 fluid ounces in 1 quart.
All remaining conversions below are in US measures.
How many oz in 2 quarts?
Liquid: There are 64 fluid ounces in 2 quarts.
Dry: There is 74.47 oz in 2 quarts.
How many oz in 3 quarts?
Liquid: There are 96 fluid ounces in 3 quarts.
Dry: There is 111.70 oz in 3 quarts.
How many oz in 4 quarts?
Liquid: There are 128 fluid ounces in 4 quarts.
Dry: There is 148.94 oz in 4 quarts.
Four quarts also equals 1 gallon, 8 pints and 16 cups.
How many oz in 5 quarts?
Liquid: There are 160 fluid ounces in 5 quarts.
Dry: There is 186.18 oz in 5 quarts.
Fluid Ounces to Quarts Chart
Use this handy chart to easily see how many fluid ounces are in a quart. Note that Fl oz. measurements are rounded.
US Quart | US Fl Oz |
¼ qt | 8 fl oz |
½ qt | 16 fl oz |
1 | 32 fl oz |
2 | 64 fl oz |
3 | 96 fl oz |
4 | 128 fl oz |
5 | 160 fl oz |
10 | 320 fl oz |
Printable chart
Want a FREE handy kitchen conversion chart? I've got you covered! This chart will help you with lots of cooking conversions. Enjoy!
Click to download and print this kitchen conversion chart.
Be sure to also check out my handy Vegan Grocery Shopping List.
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